

Lots of decisions needed.

Oh, man....

How busy am I going to be for this school term. I thought I could spare some of my no-class time for any kind of part time job for some extra $, but absolutely that's not going to happen for this coming few months. I should use that time for investment of my future.

I had only two classes. But one of them was an intro Ecology lab which is two hours long, and another one was "Environmental Problem Solving" which is 3 hours class So technically although I have only two classes, I spend 30% of my "awake time" in lab room and lecture room.

But both classes were very interesting to me. For the first ecology lab, we did some measurement and data collection at outside of the building, measured length of Sugar maple/Red maple's leaves and the no. of serrations they have, and compare them graphically and statistically. I will be able to laern some very useful skill from this lab, and also will dedicate my effort to learn proper way of writing a lab report.

Another class, ENVS was sooooo interesting and inspiring. There were around 50 students in the classroom, and we all did introduction during the class.

Ah, now I realized how bad my English still is..... I had lots of ideas what I wanted to say when my turn comes, but when actually my turn came, I just got really nervous and was able to say only like.... 30% of what I wanted to express. Oh, that was really embarrassing moment

What I was really impressed was all other classmates' attitude toward this course. I really like Dal's class atmosphere. Everyone is actually participating in the class, express their opinion, and the professor always put some neat comments on that.

There were students from variety of study areas and also from experiences. so this class will be one of the favorite ones in this semester for sure

The most trouble some issue I need to solve and decide what to do is the Co-op program. Since I am already a 3rd year student, this decision will change my graduation time, amount of hecticness(?) on this term,and so on.

But I am really interested in getting real work experience in Canada with an area of my specific study focus ( which is Environmental Economics). I think this will be a very good chance for me to build my career plan (Of course I know I should be able to do that as early as possible anyway, but it's haaaard...).

Well, that's so far I had for today. My brain is very exhausted right now ...