


Doing okay.

I've been doing everything okay. I had a test for economics last week, and I got 24/30. It was acutually good. However, I still feel something lacking.... I tried to join some student volunteering group last week. But the group holds a mee…

Thanks giving!!!

今週末は、日本人にはあまりなじみのない Thanksgivingでした。なので、金、土、日曜日と3連休!!今日(月曜日)はほとんどの店がお休みで、買い物に行くところもありません(笑)正直僕はこの祝日のことを全然知らなかったので、調べてみました(以下、Wi…

Winter is coming soon....





Do you like Cooking? I Love it!!! It does't matter whether I am GOOD AT or not, though lol I show you some foods I made thesedays^^ Um----, really nice smell~. I really missed curry rice, so I tried to cook it last weekend. Now my another …

Fallen leaves

I'm sitting on the chair beside the window of library. I can see the beautiful color of leaves falling down . Really impressive. I am in a bad state thesedays. I don't know why, but I feel depressed... because of weather? No new good frien…

what is right, what is wrong

一体何が正しくて何が間違いなのだろう。最近、考え事が多い。ここへ来た意味。人間関係。将来への不安。 etc。しかし考えど、出てくる答えはない。ただ自問自答を繰り返す。一体今、自分は何をするべきなのか。どの学部に進むべきなのか。日本人と接するべ…