

10 days till going back to Japan

10 days left till going back to Japan.

I've still got lots of things to do. Subletting, finding new apartment, handing in an application of Work Permit, moving out....

And... FINAL EXAM!!!!!

I cannot believe that final exam is in a week.... too fast. I realized that I am not good at this summer course style. Usually I start studying SERIOUSLY for exam at least 1 week ahead. But in the summer course, we learn LOTS OF THINGS in last 1week of the class.

Today we did dissection of rat (ネズミの解剖) in the laboratory class. We had already done crayfish and starfish (ザリガニとヒトデ), but rat was much more INTERESTING to see inside of the body.

Well, but I was not really ready for the lab ( I didn't have enough time to study last night, so I couldn't memorize all terms of body organs and stuff...). That is the one difficult thing in learning biology in other languages. Every single word( well, not EVERY, of course some are same names) is in English, so different from Japanese one.....

Anyways, I am going back home in Japan on July 2nd. I am really excited. It is weird that I've not been seeing my family for almost an year..... My sister would be changing a lot, now she is high schoo student.... I hope my parents is not getting old physically lol

I am so tired tonight.... good night.