


Walmart is an American public corporation, the world's largest retailer and second largest corporation (behind Exxon Mobil). There are some Walmarts in Winnipeg, too. Actually I didn't know that 西友Walmartの子会社化されていた ( too hard to write in English lol).

One of the problems Walmart brings to the community is that they destroy all small markets. They sell almost anything, food, clothes, cosmetics, etc.... and their carchphrase is EVERY DAY LOW PRICE. So actually I bought some living necessities at Walmart very cheap Therefore it is very big issue in the world that Walmart destroys the small scale retailers,etc...

That is what my professor told us in the lecture ( Environmental studies). And my Canadian friend tells me not to by many things at Walmart, too. We should buy local foods, then we can save transportation costs = fossil fuels.

Here is the explanation about Walmart ( Wikipeidia)

And I listen to the speech of a man at University today. He is a son of former Prime Minister of Canada, his name was... Justin Trudeau or something, ah, forgotlol Well, i try to type his profile later.

Anyway, I really empathized with his idea. Our action makes the difference. He talked about the environment.

Earth is closed world, not open world. If we produce something and waste it, one day the consequence comes back to us. We have a respobsibility for our own actions.

Each individuals makes the difference. Just small thing is fine. As a citizen of the Earth, we have to pay Earth back something good for the Earth.

So, what I am going to from today is, try to reduce the amount of garbage Bring my own bag when I go to do grocery shopping. Use same bottole for refilling water. Recycle paper, pet bottles, as much as I can ( I know that recycle has some issue, though).

Little effort makes the difference.