

worst toothache ever

Ahhhhhhhhhh. I thought seriously i would die....

I went to University as usual, well , the weather was still terrible, like -48℃ with windchill When I go outside in this temperature, I can feel my nostril is getting frozen lol It is really weird feeling, but it is kind of neat experience, eh? lol

At any rate, I went to the gym to do some exercise after the class. After the exercise, I left the gym to catch the bus. I had to wait around 10 minutes for the bus coming in this horrible temperature.

Finally bus arrived , and i got in. But then, my tooth, actually my nerve started having a bad pain . At first , it was okay. I sometimes feel pain at my nerve. I got a nerve treatment in Japan last summer, but the treatment was not totally completed. The dentist said, " I recommend you not to take off this nerve for your long life. I believe your tooth does recover the nerve again soon."

So i decided not to take off ( i am not sure this idiom is appropriate or not, though lol) my nerve.

Huge pain came to me about every 2 minutes. During the pain, i was groaning with pain....

Finally I came back to the apartment, took the painkiller right away!!!! and collapsed into the floor. I tried to let nerve be calm down, actually talked to them " Okay, calm down , calm down please....lol" But huge pain still came to me another 5 or 6 times, 2 more hours. I had never had this much pain.

I hope this pain was just because of crazy temperature...