

Trip to Calgary and Banff was great!!



翌日にダウンタウンにあるレゴ&科学博物館?(面白い組み合わせ 笑)へ行ってきた。

stone face lol


Well, I type in English now lol

We stayed at the same hotel as last time. Well, we , 5 people stayed in 1(actually 2 rooms, with 1 bath room) room! It was hard to share 1 bathroom with this much people .... lol


Me & Robin at the lobby in the hotel.


Erica came to see us in one night. Oh, guess what!!! She got pierced to her tongue. Ahhhh, it looked so hurt for me..... how does she drink hot tea? lol

We left the hotel for Banff on Saturday morning. we rent the van for this trip! So We picked Erica up ( She is now living in Calgary. She was my host sister), and drove around 1 hour. T

mountains on the prairie

Rocky mountains!!! I took this picure from inside of the car. Oh, I was so excited lol

And finally we arrived at Banff.

mountains 1

Oh, all mountains were so beautiful....


Frozen waterfall. We went to walk the trail for an hour. Bravo Candian wild nature!!!


Dwaine & Bernadette. I took a really nice picture for them ,,, haha

ice rink on Luise (castle)

ice castle on the Lake luise. In summer time, the colour of the water is really エメラルドグリーン. I want to visit here in summer time again !!

this big!

now you can see how big the custle is lol

big mountain with Robin..

Robin's back and Rocky.

we made supper!

We stayed at banff over night. It was really neat cottage. Erica stayed with us this time, so I and Erica made supper together. We made pasta and salad. Very easy , but tastes gorgeous !

we made supper!

Banff downtown

Next day, we went to downtown of Banff. There are many japanese tourists, too, so some souvenir shops have a sign "日本語でどうぞ" or something. Somehow i did not go there lol

hotel faremont big

Very historical fine hotel in Banff. Just let you know, we just went into the building for enjoying the atmosphere lol

ice pool table!

Wow, ice pool table, isn't it cool?( and cold? lol)

Everyone except me lol

In the last night of the trip, we went to the restaurant. Everyone except me lol